Export-Mailbox $user.......$Userlist = get-content D:\UserList\userlist.txt....... needs a modification -Please Help
Dear Experts,
$Userlist = get-content D:\UserList\userlist.txt
foreach ($user in $userlist) {Export-Mailbox $user -StartDate "23/05/2012" EndDate "24/05/2012" PSTFolderPath C:\temp\2usr_getlist.pst -DeleteContent}
As Suggested by
Mike Crowley in the following link I modified as per my requirement as above. here I have hiccup like all the exported contents from list of users say 50 in number are gettting stored in single PST........ :( ...........
Original Link and Suggestion by mike:
Is there a way I can create multiple PST based on UserName or Single PST with multiple folders for each listed user in Userlist.txt?
ManjuManju Gowda
June 4th, 2012 3:19am